In recognition of Memorial Day, as well as in appreciation for ALL who served and sacrificed, I’ve uploaded my documentary Deeds Not Words: The Buffalo Soldiers in World War II. The documentary follows the Buffalo Soldiers of the Army’s 92nd Infantry Division from their time in basic training, through their tour of combat in the Italian Theater from 1944-1945, and then back home after the war.
Making this documentary was truly an honor. There’s a saying, “war is hell”. These men experienced hell on many levels. It was both awe-inspiring, and awful, to hear how they had to battle the Germans on one side, and then their own officers. And then, after fighting for liberty abroad, to come home and see that those same liberties they fought for for others, did not apply to them…
One other element of this project also breaks my heart. I started work on the documentary in 2004. Of all the members of the unit you see, as of Memorial Day weekend 2014, only one is left – Joseph Hairston.
They say you don’t appreciate something until it’s gone. Many of our WWII vets are already gone, and it’s estimated that another thousand pass away every day. So, whether it’s Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, or any day that ends in “Y”, please take a moment to pay tribute and offer your appreciation to those who served in the past, and those who are serving today.