92nd Infantry (Buffalo) Division Reunion Display

With Veteran’s Day upon us, we stop to Honor ALL the Veterans who have served in our armed forces.  We would like to take a moment to offer up a special thank you to our WWII Vets.  According to some estimates, we lose about 1,000 WWII Vets every day!

And while they may no longer be with us in body, they are with us in spirit.  We will carry the memories of their service and sacrifice with us and we will take it upon ourselves to share those memories with future generations.

Spencer C. Moore served as an officer with the 92nd Infantry Division during their time in Italy.  During the unit’s 2004 reunion, he took us on a walking tour of their display of unit memorabilia.  Please click on the picture to watch the video.


92nd Photos.95



Fall 2014 Buffalo Newsletter

The Fall 2014 Newsletter is hot off the presses – courtesy of Carolyn Johnston.  Plans are underway for this year’s annual reunion October 17th-19th at the Sheraton Silver Spring in Silver Spring, Maryland.  You can get all the details by clicking here … and we hope to see you there!

Interview with Buffalo Soldier Harold G. Smith

Harold G. Smith was drafted into the U.S. Army, commissioned as a Lieutenant, and  assigned to the Buffalo Soldiers of the 92nd Infantry.  At that time, the army had a protocol; they assigned white officers, mostly from the south, to command the black (colored) troops in segregated units.  Smith is white, but he’s not from the south.  He was born and raised in upstate New York.  That meant he brought a different perspective.  In this interview, Smith shares his recollections of that time. After the war, Smith returned to the states.  He was recalled to duty for the Korean War and eventually retired from the army with the rank of Major.

After watching the interview, make sure to check out the collection of photos of some of the items that Smith has meticulously maintained in his foot locker.  He’s kept almost everything from his time with the 92nd and his memorabilia tells a story of its own!



Pictures from the collection of Harold G. Smith


This gallery contains 2 photos.

Here are some items from the collection of Harold G. Smith.  He entered WWII as a Lieutenant with the Buffalo Soldiers of the 92nd Infantry.  He eventually retired as a Major.  Included in the collection below: pictures of Harold Smith … Continue reading

General Colin Powell talks about the 92nd

General Colin Powell (Ret.) former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and former Secretary of State has been a strong supporter of the 92nd, and the Buffalo Soldiers in general.  Here he talks about some of the challenges faced by African Americans serving in a segregated military; as well as the impact that their service had on the military – and society at large.




Coming Soon! The Buffalo Soldiers Documentary Along with Web Extras

It’s been a while since we’ve added any new content to the page, so we’re going to fix that.  First and foremost, we’ll be uploading the documentary Deeds Not Words: The Buffalo Soldiers in World War II to the website.  The documentary originally aired on The Pentagon Channel in February 2011.

After that, we’ll post other periodic updates during the summer.  We’ll have web extras – outtakes from our interviews with the members of the 92nd’s Veteran’s Association.  We’ll also post information about this year’s reunion – scheduled for October 17th-19th.

So, as they say in TV-land…stay tuned!

Documentary “Deeds Not Words: The Buffalo Soldiers in World War II”

The documentary Deeds Not Words: The Buffalo Soldiers in World War II is now available online! Just click on the Buffalo Patch below.


The program first aired on The Pentagon Channel in February 2011.

If you represent a non-profit or educational organization, and would like to purchase the DVD, please contact the project’s producer, James Rada, at jrada@ithaca.edu